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Совет за етика во медиумите на Македонија (Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia)


The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization, which brings its members together based on the principle of free will, in order to accomplish the goals and activities stated in the Statute. The Council bases its work on the principles of transparency and accountability and it freely promotes its views and opinions, takes initiatives and participates in building and upgrading of professional standards and ethics and their protection and promotion in the media in the country. The Council is a body of self-regulation of the media through the application of moral sanctions on those who do not observe the professional standards and the Code of Journalists.


The Council preferring the maintenance and promotion of ethics and professional standards in the media, both for its members, and in general in the media community in Macedonia.


CMEM strives for the media in Macedonia to adopt the principles of professional and ethical journalism, constantly taking care of the freedom of thought, freedom of speech and public interests.


Objectives are to promote the ethical rules and norms in journalism and raising public awareness of professional and ethical standards that should be respected by the media.

  • Protection of media freedom and the right of public to be informed
  • Prevention of influence of the state, political parties and other centres of power over the media
  • Protection of public interests by providing an independent, efficient and fair process of resolving complaints about the media contents
  • Promotion of quality in the media contents, by adopting clear and practical guidelines in the work of editors and journalists
  • Raising public awareness on the professional and ethical standards to be observed by the media
  • Development of a setting for self-criticism, self-awareness and transparency of the media towards the audience
  • Facilitation of public access to the media
  • Promotion of the Code of Journalists and
  • Reduction of all forms of censorship and self-censorship in journalism.


The Council accomplishes its objectives through the following activities:

  • Promotion and protection of the journalistic profession by promotion and protection of the ethical standards in the media, strengthening of the self-regulation in the media in Macedonia.
  • Monitoring of the use of professional standards in the reporting of the media in Macedonia
  • Providing of an expert and advisory assistance to the members of the Council and the wider audience
  • Organizing of workshops, training, conferences, debates in order to promote the professional standards and promote the work of the Council
  • Submitting of initiatives to the relevant bodies aimed at creation of conditions for continuous work of the self-regulatory body for the media in Macedonia
  • Exchange of experiences and information with similar associations and other civil society organizations in the country and abroad
  • Publishing books, brochures, bulletins and other types of publications and regular update of the Council's website.
  • Year of creation: 2015
  • Website:
  • Total Budget: 90230 €
  • Total Complaints: 78
  • Treated: 62
  • Code of Ethics' name: Кодекс на новинарите на македонија (Code of Journalists of Macedonia)