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Media Self-Regulation Council


Media Self-Regulation Council is an independent self-regulatory body that monitors the print, broadcast and online media formed in 2012.

Main aims of the Council is to develop and promote media self-regulation in Montenegro in order to protect citizens against unethical reporting in the media and raise awareness of the importance of timely and truthful reporting.

This body is in charge of monitoring professional and ethics standards in journalism in Montenegro. As most of the journalists and media unions are not functioning, founders of Media Council for Self Regulation decided to invite individual media who accept the Code of Ethics in journalism, and who are commit to its implementation, to be base of a new concept of media self-regulation in the country.

To achieve its goal, the Council shall perform the following activities: monitor the implementation of the Code of Journalists of Montenegro in the media as a mediator mediates between dissatisfied readers and the media, publishing periodic reports on compliance with ethical and professional standards, promote professional standards in Montenegrin media, determine applications and appeals the work of media and protect the public from unprofessional and manipulative journalistic reporting.


Print, online, broadcasting media
