Media Ethics Observatory of Armenia is an independent, non-commercial and voluntary initiative of Armenian media and journalistic associations. MEO's mission is consideration of complaints and appeals regarding the violations of the Code of Ethics in journalistic pieces published or broadcasted in the press, TVs or online, and developing judgments on them, or mediating concord between the sides of information disputes.
Added to that, MEO regularly issues guidelines, statements and expert opinions related to various aspects of the journalistic work, thus, promoting principles of quality, ethical journalism.
MEO was founded by the media companies that support the self-regulation initiative. This number reaches 61 as of today. The initiative is also supported and facilitated by 9 Armenian journalistic associations. In its judgments MEO is guided by the Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists, adopted at the self-regulation body's meeting of March 10, 2007, and revised on May 16, 2015.
Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists
As of today the Code of Ethics is signed by 61 Armenian media; the initiative is supported by 8 journalistic associations.
Media representatives, who signed the Code of Ethics, acknowledge the right of the MEO to examine the conformity of their acts and publications to the provisions of the Code and state their willingness to publish decisions of the MEO in their media.
The mission of the MEO consists in consideration of complaints and appeals regarding the violations of the Code of Ethics and making judgments on them.
The Regulations of the Media Ethics Observatory were adopted on December 13, 2009. On December 24, 2011, the Regulations were amended. On March 16, 2018, MEO adopted the new Regulations
How to apply
Media Observer Programme Youtube channel
“Media Ditord” (Media Observer) programme - a product of cooperation of Public TV Company of Armenia, Yerevan Press Club, Media Initiatives Center and Media Ethics Observatory.