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IPSO | Independent Press Standards Organisation


The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) is the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the United Kingdom. It holds newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protects individual rights, upholds high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.

IPSO makes sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the Editors' Code. It investigates complaints about print and online material that may breach the Editors' Code. It can make newspapers and magazines publish corrections or adjustments if the Editors' Code has been judged to have been breached (including on the front page). It monitors press standards and requires member newspapers and magazines to submit an annual statement about how the Editors' code has been followed and how complaints have been handled. It can investigate serious standards failings and can fine publishers up to £1 million in cases that are particularly serious and systematic.

IPSO operates a 24-hour anti-harassment advice line. IPSO has a low-cost compulsory arbitration scheme to settle legal disputes. It provides advice to editors and journalists and training. IPSO provides a Whistleblowing Hotline for journalists who feel they are being pressurised to act in a way that is not in line with the Editors' Code.  IPSO works with other bodies to support and improve press standards

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