IMPRESS is at the vanguard of a new, positive future for news publishers, ensuring quality independent journalism flourishes in a digital age. We help to build understanding and trust between journalists and the public - and provide the public with trusted sources of news.
We are a regulator designed for the future of media, building on the core principles of the past, protecting journalism, while innovating to deal with the challenges of a digital age.
What we do
- Award a ‘Trust in Journalism' mark to publishers that meet our standards for membership.
- Maintain a progressive Standards Code, and assess any breaches of this code by our members.
- Provide an arbitration scheme which is free to all parties and protects publishers against the risk of court costs and exemplary damages.
- Support the development of news publishers, through partnerships and collaboration.
Who we are
- Key to our role as an effective regulator is our governance and structure.
- Our board is made up of journalists, experts and specialists with a wide range of experience and skills. They are selected by an Appointment Panel. We also maintain a Code Committee, that is responsible for advising the board on our Standards Code.
- IMPRESS has a small staff team, based out of our office in central London.
- We are growing quickly. Our membership is currently made up of more than 100 regulated publications from across the country, collectively reaching more than 8 million people.
How we operate
- As a regulator for the public, IMPRESS is committed to openness and transparency in everything we do.
- All IMPRESS's audited annual reports are made public and can be downloaded from the IMPRESS website.
- Details on our current funding can be found here.
- Our organisational and regulatory policies are also published on our website.
Print and online media.