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Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics

The Charter of Journalistic Ethics of Georgia is an independent association of journalists whose mission is to increase the public responsibility of the media through the protection of professional and ethical standards and the creation of self-regulation mechanisms.

The organization was founded on December 4, 2009. 137 journalists from various media outlets from both the region and the capital signed 11 principles and undertook to protect them. Citizens were given the opportunity to apply to the Charter in case of ethical violations in journalistic material.

The Charter of Journalistic Ethics, within the scope of its mission, accepts and examines the facts of violations of professional standards by journalists based on the statements included in the Charter; engages in educational and cognitive activities to raise the professionalism of journalists; cooperates with local and international organizations, including professional unions; promotes the promotion of journalistic ethics norms and establishment of respect for them; conducts media monitoring, researches and issues professional publications; It lobbies for the protection of journalists' rights and the creation of a healthy and free media environment.

The charter is governed by a 9-member board that appoints an executive director. The Council will consider the applications received against the journalists. The member of the council is elected for a term of 3 years at the general meeting by the journalists who signed the charter. The signatories of the charter are 360 ​​journalists at the moment.

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