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Council for Ethical Journalism and Mediation / Conseil de déontologie journalistique et de mediation


The Council for Ethical Journalism and Mediation  (Conseil de déontologie journalistique et de médiation - CDJM) was created on December 2, 2019. It is a body for mediation between journalists, the media or news agencies and the public on all matters relating to journalistic ethics. It is composed of journalists, editors and representatives of the public.

Anyone who believes that good journalistic practices have not been respected in the text or images of a printed or online article or in an audiovisual news programme may refer the CDJM.


The CDJM is an association financed by its members' subscriptions and accepts subsidies from foundations , or from public offices  such as the European Union, the State, regions, departments and municipalities, provided that these institutions undertake to respect the CDJM's independence. Such public funding may not exceed half of the association's annual budget.

The Council

The CDJM is a non-profit association (Law of 1901) . Its members are journalists, media and members of the public , as well as unions or associations of journalists, associations of media, and organisations recognized for their involvement in the promotion of democratic society, information education and media literacy.

The main body of the Council is composed of 30 full members - 10 journalists, 10 publishers, 10 representatives of the public - and as many alternates. This body acts as an Executive Board for all matters concerning the management of the CDJM . It sits as a Council of Journalistic Ethics to decide on specific cases or general questions relating to the ethics of information.

Field of Competence

The CDJM may be seized for any journalistic act edited, published or broadcasted in France, or intended for the French public. It does not concern a journalistic act that has not yet been published, put online or broadcasted. It does not concern the entire production of a media outlet.

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