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Commission on Journalism Ethics

Commission on Journalism Ethics is a self-regulation body for journalists and editorial teams (newsrooms) in Ukraine. It is a civil society organization, working like a press council, considering conflicts of ethical and professional nature arising inside the journalists' community and between this community and public due to the journalists' professional duties execution.

The Commission considers complaints and as well can issue a Statement or a Recommendation. There are 3 main Priorities for the CJE: (1) advocacy, (2) mediation, (3) education.

The Commission makes its decisions based on the Code of Ethics of Ukrainian journalist. Of course we are also having in the fundament the legislation of Ukraine, Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 34 of the Constitution of Ukraine, etc.

CJE was founded on September 16, 2001 and consists of 14 Members. They represents founders or owners of the different media, independent journalists, university professors and media NGOs. The famous Ukrainian journalist Andriy Kulykov heads the Commission since December 2016.

Key Personnel


Andriy Kulykov

Head of the NGO "Commission on Journalism Ethics"

Oleksii Pogorelov

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